The Laughter of Time

A young woman gifted with the power to trade a sliver of her being for glances into the future is stolen from her place beside the King of Korwet and brought to the kingdom her King fights against. From there she is tossed into the game of life and death as the god blessed leaders of her new home try to destroy her. She is forced to work with a stone faced god choosen Reader who flips cards to see what is too come as they try to dethrone the god blessed who are hungry for power and threaten to lose the war and corrupt her new kingdom.


  • Age Group:Young Adult (13-18)
  • Manuscript TypePartial Manuscript
  • Draft Number:Second Draft
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 80,000
  • Spice LevelNo Spice

Primary Genre:

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

Themes & Tropes

  • Action & Adventure
  • Diverse Voices
  • Enemies-To-Lovers
  • War & Politics

Requirements & Requests

This is very much a work in progress. I will be adding new chapters as I get them edited, I have the first five as of now should be done with the rest soon. I would love POC readers because nearly the whole cast is of a different races. As well as the main character being a lesbian. As I add more I want to know the impact of the characters and issues with pacing or the plot

Trigger Warnings:

Violance, blood, death, panic attacks, there is like one part were people are naked around each other but nothing happens. Gay longing. (Lesbian as MC and her love interest).

Manuscript Format

  • Google Doc
  • PDF
  • DOC or .DOCX

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