Hello Fellow Storyteller


Hello fellow storyteller,

From my childhood escapades of filling a tent with water, adding a dozen frogs, and declaring myself their queen, to navigating the intricate realms of writing, my journey through storytelling has been as diverse as the tales themselves. Along the way, I've explored acting, playwriting, children's stories, and even climbed the charts on Amazon's bestseller list (for writing fantasy) with a structured novel planner and craft book that are designed to help writers develop and strengthen their stories.

By day, I'm a product designer immersed in the collaborative process of creating and sharing mockups with test users and leveraging their feedback to create better products designed for them. Similarly, as a writer, I've found profound growth in my stories and craft through peer critique and collaboration. Critique partners and beta readers have been an invaluable influence on both my writing ability and the stories I weave.

With this in mind, I present Storyfolk—a sanctuary for storytellers to connect, learn, and grow. Whether you're seeking beta readers, critique partners, or writing groups, this platform is designed to foster connection and cultivate creativity. I aim to bridge the solitary gap of novel writing and empower fellow writers to make their stories the very best they can be before releasing them into the wild. In an effort to keep this service free for everyone, the site is supported by the sales of Storyfolk products which I encourage everyone to check out and share if they feel they can be helpful.

With all that being said, welcome to Storyfolk, where every untold story finds its people.

Warm regards, Paige Cody

Founder, Storyfolk

Contact Us

We are brand new and are still working to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone. If you see any issues at all, feel free to send us an email.



You can find us on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. If you have any issues, have questions, or need assistance, please send us an email at paigecody3@gmail.com