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Storyfolk Products For Writers

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Storyfolk Products

These 150-200 paged structured planners are full of prompts and exercises designed to help you dive deeper into your characters, world, and their relationships. Beyond story planning there are sections for tracking word count, managing beta readers, crafting your query, and/or establishing your publishing budget. Available in 8.5x11 and 6x9. Hardcovers can be found on Lulu Publishing and softcover can be found on Amazon.

historical fiction

Historical Fiction

Beyond mere plot and character planning, this comprehensive 150-page planner invites you to immerse yourself in the history of your story's setting. Explore the intricacies of your protagonist's society and their relationships.

Coming Soon
mystery novel planner

Mystery & Crime

Regardless of the brand of mystery you weave, this planner is your key to puzzling it all out. Dive into the psyche of your culprit, sculpt the arc of your protagonist, weave primary subplots, scatter red herrings, and orchestrate the mystery beats.

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fiction planner

General Fiction

This planner is designed to guide you through the three-act structure while sculpting the arc of your main character. Establish details of your story's setting and explore the dynamics of the relationships that drive the narrative forward.

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romance planner


Love is in the air... or at the very least on the pages of this planner. Here you can nurture the romance between your characters and uncover their nuances as individuals, each grappling with personal challenges, flaws, strengths, and arcs.

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high fantasy planner

High Fantasy

If your story takes place in an entirely different world, you can establish not only your magic system but also the laws, ecology, societies, political structures, deities, and mystical creatures that inhabit your world along with your character

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Light Fantasy Planner

Light Fantasy

Tailored for creators of cozy fantasies, fairytales, or novels requiring lighter world-building, this planner focuses on your protagonist, their intricate relationships, and the vibrant society surrounding them to enrich your storytelling experience.

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fantasy romance planner

Fantasy Romance

This is for romance stories set in a fantasy world. Explore the complex relationship between characters while delving into their individual strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and character arcs. Magic and world building sections are included.

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Fantasy Story Recipes

Fantasy Story Recipes

This is a guide book for writing fantasy disguised as a recipe book. Find instructions of how to establish your logline, plot, first page, cities, character arcs, and more. There are not only listed "ingredients", but examples as well.

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Inspiration Journal

Inspiration Journal

this journal designed to ignite ideas and breathe life into your works-in-progress. Whether you seek to brainstorm character names, delve into profiles, envision settings, lay the foundations of your story, set project goals this journal is for you!

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Fantasy Structured Novel Planners

The Fantasy Planners

High Fantasy | Light Fantasy | Fantasy Romance

The three fantasy planners are designed to help you dive deeper into your world, characters, and overall plot. Each of the three planners have very similar exercises, the only difference is there is either more emphasis on the world (high fantasy version), the protagonist (light fantasy version), or the relationships (romance version). Each planner still explore all these things, but the aesthetics of the planner and some prompts are different.

Included Inside:

  • Plot Brainstorming | Character & Villain Profiles
  • Magic System | World Building
  • Prompts & Exercises | And Way More
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novel planning
planning novels
novel planning

The Fiction Planners

General Fiction | Romance

The General Fiction & Romance Planners will help you brainstorm your story, understand your characters, establish your Three Act Plot, and expand your setting. There are romance exercises in the general fiction planner, however if the romance is the main focus of your story, the romance version will be better equip to help you. Included Inside:

  • Plot Brainstorming | Character & Antagonist Profiles
  • Character Arcs | World Building & Scene Setting
  • Prompts & Exercises | And Way More
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reipe book

Fantasy Story Recipes

Recipes for crafting a fantasy story, characters, magic system, and world.

This book was created to provide writers with bite-sized instructions on how to craft their fantasy story from beginning to end. It is formatted like a recipe book to provide a more efficient and simplified experience.

Crafting a fantasy story is akin to the art of baking bread—an intricate, messy endeavor that thrives on time and patience. Within these pages, you'll discover not only bite-sized recipes for conjuring your plot, characters, magic system, and world, but also lists of corresponding ingredients, exercises, and examples.

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The Crime & Mystery Planner

Available in 6x9 Hardcover - Amazon Editions Coming Soon

The Mystery Planner is meant for anyone creating a story that has a cuprite and follows the general mystery beat formula. This will help you puzzle out your story, get into the mind of your culprit, and explore your protagonist's wants and desires on a deeper level. Right now this is only available in hardcover, but hopefully the softcover will be available soon!

Included Inside:

  • Plot Brainstorming | Character & Culprit Profiles
  • Mystery Beats | The Setting
  • Prompts & Exercises | And Way More
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