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How It Works For The Writers

A guide on how to successfully connect with beta readers and critique partners on Storyfolk

Manuscript Preparation Tips

Here are some tips and suggestions to help provide the best beta reading experience possible.

Spell Check

Your story should be spellchecked to the best of your ability. Simple mistakes have a knack for yanking a reader right out of a story, which we can all agree, is no fun at all. There are some amazing platforms out there like ProWritingAid that can help give your manuscript a good polish.


The most universal formatting combination for manuscripts is double spaced, 12 point font, and times new roman. 1 inch margins and a half inch paragraph indentation is ideal. On each page include a header with your name, the story title, beta copy, and the page number on the bottom.


Embed checkpoints at each chapter, or key stages of your plot . You can either write out your questions directly on the page, or include a link to a Google Form. The form is ideal because you can collect data & view trends from all your readers. Keep the amount of questions asked reasonable.


The purpose of a beta reader is to ensure the story is landing as you intended, the plot is holding their interest, and the characters feel authentic to the plot. Asking questions like "At which point were you confused or lose interest?", "What do you think will happen next?" will help provide you with useful context.


The role of a beta reader is not to edit your story, but provide valuable feedback on how your story can improve and how they felt during the experience. It can sometimes sting when we receive critique, but it's extremely normal and will untimely help our stories and our writing craft in general.


It is good to be prepared with two different formats depending on what the reader prefers. Some might prefer a web format such as Google Docs so they can make in-line comments, while others might require a PDF version so they can easily melt into your story on their tablet with a cup of tea.


Posting Your WIP on Storyfolk

You're now ready to post your Work-In-Progress on Storyfolk! Here are some tips on how to attract the right readers for you.

canva cover

Your Sample Cover & Artwork

Did you know Canva was used to create all the covers seen above? We've made it easy for you to create one too!

It is easier than you think to put together a sample cover that matches the vibe of your story. You can access the Canva template through the link, find pictures or elements you love, include your name and title, download, and simple add it to your WIP listing. Consider the types of covers that typically attract readers within your genre and match it as best you can. You can also request a free sample cover from Storyfolk. We can't make a cover for everyone, but we like to surprise you guys every once in a while.

Canva Cover & Artwork Templates

Writer Resources


The Hard Questions To Ask Beta Readers

Over time, I’ve learned to not only appreciate the more critical feedback but also purposefully seek it out and welcome it with open arms because that’s exactly what my story needs to grow and prepare for either publication or querying. To get the most out of your experience with beta readers, I have a list of...

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example beta feedback form

Feedback Form Example

Google Forms is a wonderful free tool that will allow you to not only collect the feedback, but display it as data so you can see any major trends. This can also help save your beta reader time if they are able to select fields VS write things out. I also recommend keeping any long-form questions optional.

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