Following the beginning of a separation of marriage, the now estranged father must leave to wyoming for work. The school year starts leaving the mother to take care of the children and send them to school on her own. As this starts a rogue star nears our solar system and begins to poison the earth, slowly. The star changes the world around them and they must leave their home to seek their father at his work site up north.
- Age Group:Adult (18+)
- Manuscript TypeFull Manuscript
- Draft Number:Third Draft
- Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 50,000
- Spice LevelNo Spice
Primary Genre:
- Fiction
- Horror
Themes & Tropes
- Dark
- Drama
- Psychological
Requirements & Requests
General legibility.
Manuscript Format
- Google Doc
- Word Online
- DOC or .DOCX