This Legacy of Ruin

Ena Ashwood has long wondered about the truth of her war-torn world. What happened all those centuries ago when the Mortal Races were at the mercy of the Faydri? Despite her curiosity she hasn’t ventured far beyond the bounds of her superstitious village. She is faced with an unexpected tragedy and finds herself at the Mage’s Circle Institution. The prestigious community of mages her mother once called home. There she is thrown into a world of magic and dark, deadly secrets. She and her new friends rush to uncover truth and save their world from once again being destroyed by war.


  • Age Group:New Adult (18-25)
  • Manuscript TypeFull Manuscript
  • Draft Number:Third Draft
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 120,000
  • Spice Level1 Pepper (hardly any spice)

Primary Genre:

  • Fantasy

Themes & Tropes

  • Action & Adventure
  • Complex World Building
  • Dark
  • Drama
  • Dragons
  • Fae
  • Fariytale
  • Morally Grey
  • Romantasy
  • War & Politics

Requirements & Requests

I would like feedback on world building, pacing, and overall voice. It would be great to get feedback on the romance, and characters as well. If you have any questions, or commentary to offer that is great! I would love to chat about this story with you. It has been with me a long time, haha. I do ask that you don’t share the manuscript with anyone. Feel free to talk about the story if you like, but do not send the manuscript for anyone who is not a beta reader for me. Thank you!!

Comparable Stories:

The Lord of the Rings, Throne of Glass, and maybe Game of Thrones.

Trigger Warnings:

There are some darker themes, and a decent amount of violence. There is profanity, and mentions of sexual violence.

Manuscript Format

  • Google Doc
  • PDF

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