In the small town suburbs of Brookside, Detective Rose Dillon is known for her keen instincts and relentless pursuit of justice. However, her career takes an unexpected turn when she is paired with Officer Ethan Harrison, a brash and headstrong cop who has always been her professional rival. With their conflicting styles and clashing personalities, the two are anything but allies. When a high-profile murder case emerges, Rose and Harrison are forced to collaborate, putting aside their differences to unravel a complex web of clues. As they navigate the challenges of the investigation, they confront not only the case details but also the underlying tension between them. In this compelling detective fiction, the pursuit of justice intertwines with the exploration of unexpected connections.
- Age Group:New Adult (18-25)
- Manuscript TypePartial Manuscript
- Draft Number:First Draft (spell-checked)
- Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 10,000 words
- Spice Level2 Peppers (light spice)
Story Type:
- Novel
Primary Genre:
- Mystery | Thriller | Crime
- Romance
Themes & Tropes
- Action & Adventure
- Enemies-To-Lovers
Manuscript Format
- Google Doc