Chain of Moonlight - New Adult Fantasy

The Academy, once the premier school of magical learning, has fallen. Witches across the United States have two choices: to join ranks with the new militant regime, or go into hiding. As Matty turns eighteen, the Academy recruiters come knocking. Her only option is to leave her home in a dangerous trek across the country in search of Haven—the single place to have successfully eluded the Academy’s spies. But when she arrives, she learns of secrets that have long been kept from her. As Matty gets caught in the middle of a deadly struggle for power, she will need to learn how to harness her own power and untangle the secrets of her own past. This story includes: - a reluctant chosen one - coming of age story - elemental based magic system - a world in which the bad guys have already won


  • Age Group:New Adult (18-25)
  • Manuscript TypePartial Manuscript
  • Draft Number:Second Draft
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 10,000 words
  • Spice Level1 Pepper (hardly any spice)

Primary Genre:

  • Fantasy
  • Dystopian

Themes & Tropes

  • War & Politics
  • Witches | Vampires | Werwolves

Requirements & Requests

I am working on the second draft of this novel and will have more chapters in the future if readers are interested in more. Looking for either beta readers or a critique partner to exchange drafts with. For this draft, I'm seeking responses to these questions: 1. how does the overall pacing feel? 2. how is the magic system received​/​does it make sense 3. does Matty (the MC) feel like a fleshed out character? 4. what areas excite you​/​are interesting? 5. what areas do you find confusing or need to be fleshed out? I may have more specific questions and all questions will be provided via a form.

Comparable Stories:

A Deadly Education This Poison Heart Her Majesty's Royal Coven series

Trigger Warnings:

some violence and death (mostly magical combat, not very graphic)

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