In the dystopian society of Polis, an evil scientist named Dr. Ojeda aspires to become president. Revered by the citizens but despised by animals, Dr. Ojeda’s true intentions are sinister. Hyticon, a robotic husky, teams up with a Shiba Inu puppy named Yuri in a daring attempt to escape from Dr. Ojeda’s clutches. Along their journey, they encounter two different groups who unite to take down Dr. Ojeda’s plans. Together, they traverse multiple districts, striving to reveal the truth to the populace: Dr. Ojeda has been brainwashing them into believing that animals are sickly and evil
- Age Group:Young Adult (13-18)
- Manuscript TypeFull Manuscript
- Draft Number:First Draft (spell-checked)
- Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 10,000 words
- Spice LevelNo Spice
Primary Genre:
- Science Fiction
- Dystopian
Themes & Tropes
- Action & Adventure
Requirements & Requests
My concern is if the story makes sense. I can do all the spell checks and grammar errors later. I also need feedback about better scenes
Trigger Warnings:
Animal abuse
Manuscript Format
- Google Doc