Fantasy​,​ ideally earth based

Just as I was about to rise back to the surface, defeated, I saw it. A faint glimmer in front of me reminiscent of the golden arms on my otherwise dark glasses. Without much thought, I reached for it, but as my hand closed around the metal, I realized I had made an error. Golden, yes. Metallic, most definitely. But sunglasses, no way. My hand fully wrapped around the base, still unsure, but the adventurer in me couldn’t help but heave, freeing the object from its watery grave. Mindful of the size, I rose rapidly. I cleared the surf and shoved my hair from my face, gasping slightly as I brought the object out into the air. “What the actual fuck…” Chapter 2 In my hands, shining as though freshly polished, rested a long blade. The pommel fit comfortably in my hands as I inspected the large moonstone that rested in the center. The rest of the sword was longer than my forearm, but barely any wider. I lifted it out of the water once with both hands, effectively sending my head below the waves, but allowing me to establish it was a weighty thing. Come and get me now megaladon I thought, savoring the weight. My history-minor-heart soared with the idea of finding something potentially ancient. With smooth and even strokes, careful not to impale myself, I brought myself back to the shore. Charles had dug himself a small hole which he promptly jumped out of. He bound over to me, his little butt wiggling so fast I chucked at the sight. “Hi my love,” I cooed, dropping the sword into the sand as I indulge Charles in a few moments of much needed love.


  • Age Group:New Adult (18-25)
  • Manuscript TypeSingle Chapter
  • Draft Number:First Draft (spell-checked)
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 5,000 words
  • Spice LevelNo Spice

Primary Genre:

  • Fantasy

Themes & Tropes

  • Contemporary
  • Pirates | Mermaids

Requirements & Requests

I am giving a new writing style a try. I keep giving up on stories because I create characters I simply can not relate to, and thus can't make my readers connect. This is an attempt to write something that feels like me, but I am not sure if it is any good or enjoyable. I am debating the merits of creating a whole story around this. Anyway, this is the first couple pages I threw together like an hour ago in a feverish haze. I am really looking just for readability. Is it fun? Do you want more? Can you relate, or is it too goofy? Naturally, different people like different things, but I just wanted to get a pulse.

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