Mob And Mourners

Hey so I'm looking for beta readers and this story is about a human girl named Fallon who's the best thief in her town in a world were faes are valued more. She does what she does just to be able to feed her family and when she hears about a mysterious man offering a robbery job for a chest in exchange for the prize of one million gold Coins she can't resist. But there's one problem with the mission. The chest is located in another realm...


  • Age Group:Young Adult (13-18)
  • Manuscript TypeFull Manuscript
  • Draft Number:Second Draft
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 100,00
  • Spice Level1 Pepper (hardly any spice)

Primary Genre:

  • Fantasy
  • Romance

Themes & Tropes

  • Dragons
  • Fae
  • Morally Grey
  • Multi POV
  • Romantasy

Requirements & Requests

There is really no requirements lol

Comparable Stories:

Hey so I'm looking for beta readers and this story is about a human girl named Fallon who's the best thief in her town in a world were faes are valued more. She does what she does just to be able to feed her family and when she hears about a mysterious man offering a robbery job for a chest in exchange for the prize of one million gold Coins she can't resist. But there's one problem with the mission. The chest is located in another realm... So maybe you could say it's a bit like the hunger games

Trigger Warnings:

Death, violence, blood

Manuscript Format

  • Google Doc
  • PDF
  • DOC or .DOCX

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