Out On the Edge

Disgraced Commander Rinn Dowding leads a routine mission to claim an abandoned outpost on the edge of colonized space, following a corporate war. But secret agendas and a presence lurking at the bottom of the outpost threaten their survival. And at hundreds of lightyears from earth, no help is coming. Nothing is as it seems Out On the Edge


  • Age Group:Adult (18+)
  • Manuscript TypeFull Manuscript
  • Draft Number:Third Draft
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 100,00
  • Spice LevelNo Spice

Primary Genre:

  • Science Fiction
  • Horror

Comparable Stories:

Alien, Event Horizon, The Call of Cthulhu, The Expanse

Manuscript Format

  • PDF
  • DOC or .DOCX

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