Project TBD SciFi​/​fantasy

It’s been ten years since the Fall and Kya’s heart has hardened. Having learned the hardest lesson in the worst of ways, Kya’s compassion was stolen from her long ago by the ones she loved most. When she discovers Krank, alone in an abandoned home, a chip appears in her stubborn exterior. Traveling across the country, their search for permanent safety is full of the unexpected. When a mysterious group of masked men stumble upon their camp and reveal Krank isn’t who he seems, will Kya be able to forgive him for the lie he’s been living? More importantly, will she be able to forgive herself for believing it?


  • Age Group:Adult (18+)
  • Manuscript TypePartial Manuscript
  • Draft Number:First Draft (spell-checked)
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 10,000 words
  • Spice Level3 Peppers (regular spice)

Primary Genre:

  • Dystopian

Themes & Tropes

  • Witches | Vampires | Werwolves
  • 18+

Requirements & Requests

Someone to help give feedback throughout the manuscript as I write and I will do the same as well.

Trigger Warnings:

cannibalism briefly.

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