The Bet

A fresh start, that's all Tessa wants when she moves into her brother's apartment after breaking up with her first love. She finally wants to focus on herself and her great passion: writing. Preferably without men and other problems. But living together is anything but quiet, because one of their new roommates is Vincent, a music student and singer of an up-and-coming punk rock band. They just can't stand each other! When Tessa's boss also decides that she should write a dating column, the chaos seems perfect. After all, love is the last thing Tessa wants to think about right now! But instead of burying her head in the sand, she decides to make a deal with the editors: if her column becomes a success, she gets to write the article about the renowned law firm, which everyone in the editors is raving about right now. But how are you supposed to do that if you don't have any experience with data? Vincent of all people is their last hope. A bet brings the two together forcibly: Vincent will help her plunge into the world of dating, and Tessa will promote his band in her column. But the more time they spend together, the more blurred the lines between professional and personal. And all of a sudden, the deal puts Tessa in front of a decision she never expected. . .


  • Age Group:New Adult (18-25)
  • Manuscript TypePartial Manuscript
  • Draft Number:First Draft (spell-checked)
  • Word Count (Rounded Up):Up to 10,000 words
  • Spice Level3 Peppers (regular spice)

Primary Genre:

  • Romance
  • Non-fiction

Themes & Tropes

  • Contemporary
  • Cozy
  • Drama
  • Fake Relationship
  • Humour | Comedy

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